Contact Our Office

Our office hours are Monday through Friday Phone Operator 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

How to Make an Appointment for Consultation

To make an appointment, please call our office (763-542-8888 phone) or fax a referral letter (763-542-8899 fax). Patients should be referred by a physician and have recent radiographic imaging (most often an MRI) supporting the neurosurgical diagnosis.

For patients with spine problems, please note that as a small subspecialty neurosurgery practice, we evaluate and perform spine surgeries for neurological problems that arise from the spine, such as arm or leg pain, weakness, numbness, incoordination etc. We do not manage patients with back or neck pain if they do not have such neurological problems coming from the spine.

We respect our patients’ time and money (in these days of high deductibles). We also need to ensure that we have time available to evaluate and take care of patients who can benefit from our particular expertise. For these reasons, we review all referrals and will offer appointments only to those patients who we feel will benefit from consulting with one of our physicians.